20th Annual Avalanche Party

The avalanche part has become an annual fall tradition for most of us. It marks the changing of seasons. We all start to get excited about ski season, we catch up with ‘winter friends’ and start to focus attention on things other than mountain running and biking. It is hard to believe that the avalanche party is now in its 20th year. The party seems to get bigger (and be more fun) every year. If you’ve never been to the party, I encourage you to come and enjoy good food, good beer, and great friends.

To add to the excitement this year, for all the lycra wearing, skinny ski crowd, there will be a pair of Scarpa Alien boots auctioned off!

Get your tickets now and mark your calendars for Thursday, September 12 from 6-10PM at the Black Diamond parking log (2084 E 3900 S in Salt Lake City).

Think Snow!

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Kissing The Hardrock

Imagine looking over the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and how far down it is to the Colorado River. Imagine running down to the river and back up to the rim 8 times. After all that, imagine running an additional 60 KM (36 miles). If that isn’t enough, now imagine that the elevation of the south rim ranges from 13,000′ to over 14,000′ so each time you get to the top, the elevation is higher and air is thinner. If that’s still not enough for you, get rid of the nicely manicured Grand Canyon trails and cover this distance on technical single track and trail-less cross county sections. Now imagine doing this all without stopping. If you can wrap your head around all of this, you can almost imagine the Hardrock 100.

I have been applying to get into Hardrock for 5 years. This year the lottery gods finally looked down on me and granted me the opportunity to run Hardrock. At various times over the past few years, I have run 60-70 miles of the Hardrock course. I knew the race was hard, but no amount of pre-running short sections of the course could have prepared me for how hard the race actually was. To tie all these sections of trail together with massive climbs, steep decants, technical and rocky trails, cross country running, river crossings, and extended periods of time over 13,000′ takes a toll on the body that for me was previously unimaginable and even now is difficult to explain. Any combination of 3 or 4 of these items has little impact on me, but when you put them all together over 100+ miles and 30+ hours, the additive impact pushes the most well-trained athlete to their utmost limits.

2013 Hardrock 100

Panorama of Silverton

I laid out my 3 race goals in my previous post. I knew I had to have good day to finish in 32 hours. I also had calculated splits for a 30, 34, and 36 hour finish. The 36 hour finish meant I had struggled to overcome lots of demons during the run. For 30 hours, I knew I would have to have the race of my life. Toeing the line on Friday morning, I felt great, I felt healthy, I felt motivated, and I was ready to give Hardrock everything I had. Little did I know that Hardrock would throw more at me than I ever imagined. Assuming I would survive Hardrock, I had 3 additional post-race goals

  1. A beer at the finish line
  2. Mexican food and a margarita once I could stomach some food
  3. A cocktail at the Montanya bar (Montanya is a rum distilled in Crested Butte)

Thursday night our race house went to bed early. I was in bed shortly before 9, but little did I know I would see the clock strike midnight and still be awake. This was not confidence building since I knew the alarm would be ringing at 4:15AM. I woke at 4:15 feeling rested and excited. I had my usual pre-race breakfast of coffee and oatmeal and we were out the door to starting line. It had rained for several hours during the night so it was a cool, cloudy, and wet morning. The Silverton Gym was bustling with activity as racers checked in and prepared for the adventure ahead. The Hardrock lottery makes the race unique and each year the top 1-4 racers on the wait list show up on Friday morning still with a chance to get in as it is not uncommon for someone to not show up race morning. This year, friends Ryan McDermott and Matt Hart both had their fingers crossed in hopes of being able to race that morning. They had left their drop bags on Thursday and were geared up and ready. Unfortunately the lottery gods did not look down on them as all 140 racers were signed in by 5:47.

The race started with the National Anthem followed by a great run through town (all 3 blocks) onto the single track (iRunFar Starting Line Video). The pack settled into a comfortable pace for the 3,840′ climb up Little Giant. 9.3 miles after the start were were at the first aid station at Cunningham Gulch. I was feeling great and had reached the AS in 2:17, 3 minutes ahead of my goal. I was greeted by my great crew and pacers (Emily and Walter) along with other friends helping out (Matt, Krissy, Mindy Seth, Aimee, Robert, and more). I swapped running packs and kept moving through the AS.

2013 Hardrock 100

Game face at Cunningham

It would be 33 miles and 9 hours before I would see my crew again. The race stayed consistent with long climbs followed by steep, technical descents into aid stations. This would continue for the entire race. As Roch Horton says, the race in the counter clockwise direction (the race changes directions each year) is a series of ramps and dives (ramps going up, dives going down). I continued to run a smart race pushing the climbs at a steady pace, controlling the steep descents so as not to blow my quads, then pushing the pace up on the lower grade descents. This remained a good strategy for my entire race.

The trail from Cunningham to Grouse Gulch where I would see my crew again would have 5 major climbs over 13,000′ including 14,068′ Handies Peak. The climb to Handies starts at Sherman and climbs 5,285′ in just over 6 miles. This climb would be one of my first lows of the race and also the first of 5 thunderstorms that would be encountered during the race. By the time I reached the summit of Handies, I was feeling very worked and was extremely happy to see Fred Marmsater’s smiling face and words of encouragement. I would have the luck of getting Fred’s encouragement again at Virginius and then Grant Swamp Pass. Each descending step off of Handies made me feel better, but it did nothing for my stomach which was now suffering the effects of exertion and altitude.

2013 Hardrock 100

Running into Grouse Gulch with my poles stashed ‘skimo style’

It was great to run into Grouse Gulch and see my crew and so many other friends (Missy, Basit, Megan, as well as all those who were at Cunningham). I sat down for about 5 minutes at Grouse Gulch, ate some real food (as opposed to gels, chews, etc.), then took off with Walter Edwards as my pacer for the next 30 miles (until Telluride). I was feeling good at Grouse. I was getting tired, I felt like I had run 42 miles and climbed 14,608′. I was also having nutrition issues. Race food was not working. I was able to eat some aid station food and gels, but bars, chews, etc. were not sitting well in my stomach. Walter and I left Grouse Gulch at 5:19 and I was 21 minutes ahead of my goal pace. I just had to remain calm and stay focused on my race plan and getting my stomach back. Walter and I had a 3 mile and 2,300′ climb up to Engineer Pass. We would encounter the second thunder storm in this section. By this time in the race a tempo had materialized where I would catch Darcy Africa on the climbs we would climb together a while, then I would move ahead. Darcy would catch me on the descents, I would stay with her for a while, then she would pull away. I knew that with a 9 mile descent from Engineer Pass to Ouray, I would not likely see her again after we parted ways at the pass. The descent into Ouray was long, gradual, and amazingly beautiful. We had the third thunderstorm in this section about 30 minutes out of Ouray. We enjoyed this decent and stuck with my race plan of not pushing too hard and blowing my quads. We had a goal of reaching Ouray without headlamps. We made this goal, but it was definitely dark when we ran into the Ouray aid station. Walter and I were in and out of Ouray after some food and dry cloths. It was pouring rain in Ouray and a hard decision of how many cloths we needed to leave with as we were starting an 11.3 mile and 5,500′ climb from the lowest point of the race to the second highest point of the race – Virginius Pass. There is 1 aid station 3.3 miles before Virginius and Watler and I were very worried before this aid station as we had gone well over 5 miles and not seen a single course marking. I knew the course stayed on the road, but being tired and dark, I was convincing myself we were off course. We were less than 10 minutes from turning around and going back to Ouray and dropping from the race when we finally saw the aid station a few hundred meters ahead of us. What a relief that was!

The climb up Virginius is famous in Hardrock lore and rightly so. The last 30 minutes of the climb felt nearly vertical and you could see the aid station lights at the top and it never seemed to be getting any closer. Words can’t describe how difficult the last section of this climb is, a person just needs to experience themselves after having already run 68 miles and climbed 23,000′. By the end of this long and grinding climb I was destroyed. I was thrilled to see the smiling face of Roch at Virginius and was so wasted that I didn’t even realize that my friend David Hayes, who was helping there, was standing next to me the entire time. Roch spent 3 minutes and put Humpty Dumpty back together. After a pierogi and a couple cups of soup, Watler and I were on our way 5 miles and 4,400′ down to Telluride. I was anxiously awaiting the warmer and thicker air of the lower elevation. We encountered the 4th thunderstorm on Virginius, but luckily it was only a small storm. This is by far the greatest aid station of any race. It is perched on a tiny ledge with climbing porta-ledges used for chairs and a table. The 4-6 volunteers are up there all night in often horrific weather wearing full down suits for warmth and helmets to protect against any potential rocks that could possibly break loose and in case they slip. To me, these volunteers are the Heroes of Hardrock.

Walter and I were conservative on our descent to Telluride and by this time I was definitely suffering the effects of a long day and night and was just plain old tired. Never before during a 100 mile race have I wanted to sleep, but that is all I really wanted to do. I knew I had to stay the plan and the plan was to spend 15 minutes at Telluride. Eat, drink, take care of any niggles, clean up a little, and get ready for a new day. Since it was essentially morning (it was 2:30AM), I had oatmeal and coffee, changed socks and insoles, wiped off my body, lubed a few areas that were rubbing, and had Walter pass the pacing baton to Emily who would take me the final 28 miles and 10,500′ to the finish line.

The climb out of Telluride was a 6.3 mile, 4,500′ climb. Emily had specifically went to Telluride on Monday to run this section with Dave and Suzanne so she would know what to expect. We made our first error about 1 mile out of town when we thought we had gone too far and turned around and spent close to 10 minutes looking for the critical right turn before realizing that we were not as far along as we had thought. We got back on route and settled in for the slog up to Oscar’s Pass. This was the 8th major climb and the 7th time over 13,000′ and I was in a deeper and darker place than I had ever been. The extremely steep climbs had slowed me to what I felt was a pace that would surely set me back from reaching my goal, but instead it kept me right on track (I guess it was supposed to hurt that bad at that point and that I was supposed to be going that slow). Emily kept me motivated on the climb and I just kept doing everything I could to keep climbing up higher and higher. At the top of Oscar’s I got cold for the first time. I was at the point of exhaustion where my body had no energy to regulate its temperature and when the cold breeze hit me, I went from forward progress to a dead halt shivering. Emily quickly helped me get my coat on and motivated me off the pass as quickly as possible. The descent down Oscar’s is littered with baby head rocks preventing any type of running and in the dark with exhausted legs it felt more like a drunken stumble than any type of running. Soon we were once again down below 11,000′, the sun had risen, our headlamps were turned off, and I was back to being a semi-functional human. When we hit the gradual road into Chapman I was actually feeling great and we were cranking along at a 7:30 min/mile pace, right past the left hand turn to the Chapman Aid Station. We had seen a marker on the left, but the markers around the corner were blocked by a car as we ran past. It was 0.8 miles and ~900′ down the road when were realized our mistake and had to climb out of the hole we had ran ourselves into. This was mentally the lowest point of the race. I had worked hard to keep ahead of my goal splits, we had just passed a person putting me in 13th place (one of my unofficial goals is to always try to finish in the top 10%). It really took me 2-3 hours to get my head back after this mistake. Between this ‘detour’ and the mental slowdown afterwards, this cost at least 40 minutes of time. Amazingly, when we finally climbed back up to Chapman AS, we had arrived 6 minutes faster than plan (which would have been 46 minutes faster than plan) and I was 45 minutes ahead of my 32 hour goal pace. At this point, I was only focused on a 32 hour finish and maintaining 13th place. I didn’t have any idea that I could possibly finish in 31 hours or less (it turns out that Emily was working towards this goal the entire time, but this was unbenounced to me). We spent a couple minutes at the Chapman AS as the only food I could eat at this time was coke and soup. For the second time, I left the AS with a bottle of coke and a bottle of Hammer Sustained Energy knowing that this would be all I would be able to comfortably put in my stomach until the KT AS (7 miles and 3,000′ of climbing later).

The climb from Chapman to Grant Swamp pass is another famed climb due to how steep and loose it is. We had run to Grant Swamp Pass earlier in the week in order to know what to expect and for Brett to show us the ‘easy’ way up. Easy is a relative term at Hardrock, what that really means is that it is like the hardest climb of other races. The climb up Grant Swamp Pass was literally a scramble requiring hands and feet to claw your way up through the loose rock and dirt. Fred was once again present on Grant Swamp and provided some much needed motivation for the final claw up and the great glissade and run down the other side.

2013 Hardrock 100

Climbing to Grant Swamp Pass – typical Hardrock Terrain

2013 Hardrock 100

The ridiculously steep final pitch of Grant Swamp Pass at mile 84

We had a great run down Grant Swamp. I was not running fast at this point, but I was able to run steady and consistent on the descents and that was the most important part. We arrived at the KT AS at 9:08AM (27:08 of moving time) and I was now 1:01 ahead of my pace. I still did not realize that I was far enough ahead of my 32 hour goal to actually be able to finish in 31 hours. We stopped at KT only long enough for me to have a bowl of soup. When Emily asked if I wanted pumpkin pie, I quickly said ‘no’, then realized that since nothing else worked, I may as well try pie. It went down OK and I had 2 pieces, then left with another bottle of Coke. I do not drink any soda in regular life and have not done so for close to 15 years. Looking back at the race, it makes me sick to my stomach to think that I drank at least 80oz of Coke throughout the race, but since that and a bowl of soup every 2-3 hours were basically my only calories, I didn’t had a lot of other options.

We left KT with 1 big climb left – 2,500′ in a little over 3 miles. I had not seen this section of the course which turned out to be demoralizing. We reached Cataract-Porcupine Pass and I was excited to be at the top only to look up and see that we had to climb another 500′ to the top of the ridge. This was my breaking point and the only time of the race (or any race for that matter) that I whined like a baby (or so Emily claims). When I saw the route went straight up to the ridge with no trail and no switchbacks I leaned over my poles and said, ‘I don’t want to go up there’. Emily told me I had no choice and lead the way. It was only a couple minutes later that we could hear cheering on the ridge. Not knowing who it was still motivated me to keep putting 1 foot in front of the other at a whopping 40-50 min/mile pace. As we got closer, we realized this was our friends Missy Gossney and Basit Mustafa who had planed to hang out on the ridge during their morning run and cheer on runners. They were surprised to see us as well. Their happy smiles, cheery voices, humor, and words of encouragement were exactly what I needed. I was pulled from the depths of hell and brought back to life. They ran with us for a few hundred meters and Basit got a great photo as the 5th thunderstorm was approaching.

2013 Hardrock 100

Running across Putnam-Cataract Ridge – Mile 93. Photo by Basit Mustafa

We reached Putnam AS at 11:29AM and I was 1:05 ahead of my 32 hour goal. It was at this time that I realized for the first time that I could go under 31 hours if I could find a new level of the pain cave. A quick cup of soup and a refill of coke in my bottle and we were out of the AS. As we left, we heard cheering behind us and assumed we were being chased down. Emily took the lead and I did all I could to stay on her feet. Shortly out of the AS, the thunderstorm hit which turned out to be more hail than rain. The 4 miles from the AS to the road had several very rocky sections which were now extremely slippery from the rain. We kept a solid pace through the rocky sections and steep sections, then would put the hammer down (as much as possibly at mile 98+) on the gradual descents and flats. The AS staff said it would take 1.5 hours to get to the finish and we knew we only had 1:20 to get there in goal time (needed 5 minutes of leeway in case my watch time was a few minutes off). For how I had felt for the previous 50 miles, I never could have dreamed I would have run the last 5.8 miles. We reached Mineral Creek crossing where I promptly fell completely in when my foot rolled off a rock on the second step (this actually felt amazing and refreshing even if it was cold and raining), then we were off again to cross the highway for the final climb and 2 miles into Silverton.

2013 Hardrock 100

Crossing Mineral Creek at Mile 98 (after I fell in)

We power hiked the hill up from the highway, then ran the rest of the course including 2 short hills. We were soon looking down at Silverton, then a right turn at the Shrine of Christ down the hill into town and the Silverton Gym and finish line were in sight. I continued to push and made the right turn towards the finish line coral to not see a single person. Seth Hales suddenly appeared to get a picture, but after the hardest race of my life, it was very anti-climatic to have 1 person there to see me kiss The Hardrock (in contrast later in the afternoon, there were over 50 people cheering on finishers).

2013 Hardrock 100

The clock stops when you kiss The Hardrock

I have had a tough last 11 months since Leadman with recovering from those injuries, having a bad BST Marathon and Pocatello 50 and never feeling 100%. I felt like I needed a good race at Hardrock to regain some ultra running confidence, but not having had a good race in so long, made it difficult to feel like I could put together a good run. In the final 2 weeks before Hardrock I felt better than I have felt in 11 months. After arriving in Silverton, I was finally mentally ready for Hardrock. I felt Hardrock was my race, I am not a great runner, but I am a great climber so I have always felt that the Hardrock course would suit my running style. As it turned out a lot of things fell into place (weather, race plans, having a good day, etc) and I was able to have an extraordinary Hardrock race. Two days after the race, I am still trying to fully comprehend the magnitude of the race, the challenges it throws at a runner, my ability to put all the pieces together for a great race, and much more. It is just too much to put into words.
Spending a week running and racing through the San Juan Mountains and having the privilege to enjoy the amazing terrain and beautiful mountains was an amazing experience that I can’t wait to do again. I need to give a huge thanks to Walter and Emily my pacers and crew as well as all the other friends who helped me at the aid stations (especially Geoff at Sherman). I could not have done this without all their help and encouragement.

2013 Hardrock 100

The San Juan Mountains in their fully beauty and bloom


What worked for me

  • New Balance MT1210 Leadville shoes
  • Drymax socks
  • CW-X compression tights
  • BD Ultra Distance Poles
  • BD Icon headlamp – this thing is awesome at night
  • Ultraspire Kinetic Pack
  • Coke
  • Soup
  • First Endurance EFS Gel
  • First Endurance EFS Powder
  • Stinger Waffles
  • Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy
  • Hammer Nutrition Endurolytes
  • Hammer Nutrition Endurance Aminos
  • First Endurance Optygen

What didn’t work for me

  • Most solid food

Hardrock 100 – Tomorrow’s the Big Day

After 5 years of trying to get into Hardrock 100, this year was finally my year. I was #2 on the First Timers Wait List which meant that I got in during the first round of drops (it is not uncommon to be 40th on the waiting list and still get in even though there are only 140 slots). The unfortunate part was that I was not planning to race this year. After Leadman last year, I was burned out and really wanted a break from racing. My plan was to focus on adventure runs throughout the summer as I have several runs on my bucket list that I haven’t gotten around to the past few years due to racing too much. I had mixed emotions about being #2 on the wait list. Part of me was excited, but part of me really want to keep the break from racing that I had been looking forward to. I had brief thoughts of not taking my slot when I was called, but decided it could be another 5 years before I got in so I had to take the opportunity. With a crazy busy spring, it had been challenging to get my head around Hardrock and this is not a race to be taken lightly. With over 33,000′ of climbing, 10 major climbs all going above 12,000′, going over 13,000′ seven times, and over 14,000′ once, it is intimidating to say the least. Hardrock is one of the hardest 100 mile races in the world due to the elevation, long climbs, technical terrain, and overall ascent. Here is a quick glimpse at the Hardrock course profile that also includes the ascent, descent, and distance between each aid station.


Hardrock 100 Profile and Distances

After getting home from London on July 28th, I had a couple days of training, a busy week of work, and packing for Silverton. Somehow we got everything done and left Salt Lake on Friday afternoon. We had a house reserved in Silverton Sunday through Sunday so we were planning on camping Friday and Saturday nights. After close to 3 weeks at low elevation in Europe, I had been very concerned about being acclimatized. My run last Saturday did little to build my confidence as I struggled at 10,000′ in the Uintas. I started taking First Endurance Optygen on July 1 to help with the acclimatization.

We camped above Red Mountain Pass at just over 11,300′ on Friday night to get jump on some acclimatization. We woke up Saturday morning and had a great run/hike to 13,321′ Mt Trico. I was thrilled to feel great above 13K. I am sure the extra week helped, but I think the Optygen was a huge benefit as well.

2013 Hardrock 100

Summit of Trico Peak – 13,321′

2013 Hardrock 100

Glissading down from the summit of Trico Peak

After our morning run, we went Silverton to meet Matt Hart and run some of the Hardrock course. We had a great run from Cunningham Gulch over Stoney Pass to Maggie Gulch and down the road to our car. Check out Matt’s short video of the great run. With the low snow this year, the wild flowers are out early and in full force. The meadows are absolutely beautiful.

2013 Hardrock 100

Wild flowers at their best

2013 Hardrock 100

Emily running from Cunningham Gulch to Maggie Gulch

2013 Hardrock 100

Matt, Emily, and Chad on Stoney Pass

On Sunday, Emily and Brett Gosney ran from Silverton to Grant Swamp Pass, then down to South Mineral Fork where I would park the car and then meet them on the trail near Grant Swamp. It was great to see this section as it allowed me to look into Chapman to see the technical scramble up the other side of Grant Swamp Pass and across to Oscar’s pass which is a huge descent (Oscar’s is 3,090′ in less than 1.5 miles).

2013 Hardrock 100

Brett on Grant Swamp Pass

2013 Hardrock 100

Emily and Chad above Island Lake

We checked into our house we rented on Sunday and got settled into our ‘home’ for the next week. It was good to get out of the back of the truck and get settled and be able to start relaxing for the race.

On Monday, Emily, David Hayes, and Suzanne Lewis drove to Telluride and ran from Telluride to Oscar’s Pass and back. This is a 6.5 mile climb to the pass with 4,700′ of climbing. This is a huge climb that you start at mile 72. The last 28 miles of Hardrock is relentless with close to 11,000′ of climbing so it was great for Emily to see the sections she saw on Sunday and Monday as she will be pacing me the last 28 miles and will be able to keep me focused during that difficult time of the race. Monday was a rest day for me with a short 2 mile jog up to and around Christ of the Mines Shrine above Silverton just to keep the blood moving in my legs.

2013 Hardrock 100

Suzanne and Emily running down from Oscar’s towards Telluride.

Tuesday is basically a rest day again with an easy 1 hour run on the first section of the course (which is really the only semi-flat section). I had a great run realizing that even though most climbs are steep, there are some gentle climbs that would be runnable in a normal race, but possibly not at Hardrock due to the effect later on in the race. Emily, Suzanne, and David went to climb Handies Peak from Grouse Gulch and had a great day climbing up high to a 14-er.

Wednesday, Emily ran from Silverton to Cunningham (9.2 miles and 3,840′ ascent). Matt and I drove to Cunningham and ran up the trail a mile to meet her on her run down from Little Giant. It once again felt good to stretch out the legs and get out some of the anxiety. After the run, it was race check-in and lots of time catching up with fellow runners.


Overwhelmed packing drop bags

Thursday I went for my standard morning, pre-race run and Emily joined me. We rarely get to run together so it was fun to do that. I ran a loop that included the last 2 miles of the course. It is always good to see the last couple miles. It was a hectic day with people in and out of the house all day, film crews there interviewing Darcy Africa (2012 Hardrock winner), finalizing drop bags, packing food and more. It has been a great week getting ready for the race. We have had a great house to stay in, great friends, great food, and lots of fun time. It is less than 10 hours until the gun goes off and everything is starting to wind down.

What will tomorrow bring? This is my first Hardrock so I really don’t know for sure. I know it will be the longest I have ever been out on a course by several hours. I have 3 goals

  1. Just Finish
  2. Finish Before the Second Sunset (Saturday night)
  3. Finish in 32 hours

The Hardrock course very much suits my running. Lots of climbing and steep sections and not a lot of flat fast hiking. Based on this, I think that my goal of 32 hours is very achievable, but Hardrock is its own beast and anything can happen (hunkering down for a few hours for a lightening storm, getting very lost, getting sick at 14,000′, etc, etc) so only time will tell. I plan to run a smart race and not push too hard with hopes to have lots of fuel in my tank when I get to Telluride.

If you want to follow Hardrock, here are a couple of links:

  • Live runner tracking – use the link for runner tracking. I am #106.
  • Split calculator – use this to see what time a runner would come through various aid stations based on a goal time (adjust goal time using the slider bar).

Training in the Pyrenees for Hardrock 100

My June has been absolutely crazy. We went to Pocatello on 31 May for Pocatello 50 the following day. I had a tough race battling stomach issues that prevented me from eating for most of the race. I ended up only taking in ~1200 calories during a 50 mile race so I was literally ‘running on fumes’. We drove home from Pocatello late Saturday as I had a red eye flight to Toronto (via Atlanta) on Sunday. After a busy 2 days of client meetings, I flew back to SLC on a very early flight Wednesday (getting up at 3:30AM MT). I was home 2 nights, then we went to San Diego for Emily’s fantastic SD100 run. Another night of no sleep on Saturday as I paced her the final 50 miles and through the night and the lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me (that was 4 nights with no or less than 4 hours of sleep in 8 days. I was completely exhausted on Sunday after SD100. We had a 1 hour drive from the race finish to our hotel and I had to stop half way through to nap as I could not stay awake. 2 more naps that day and 10 hours of sleep Sunday night and I was feeling good. We had a great day at Tourmaline beach on Monday where I got in a few hours of surfing, then another super early morning to catch a 6AM PT flight back to SLC for work. When I got off the plane on Tuesday morning, I had a voicemail from work saying we needed to be in London for client meetings on Thursday and Friday. I scrambled most of Wednesday to figure out travel plans. Since I already had a flight to London for meetings the 24-27 June, when I did some cost comparison, it would save $4,500 of airfare if I stayed the week. Looking at my training schedule, this was my peak week of training for Hardrock. Staying in London was not an option. I had to either fly home to train, which meant 4+ full days of travel with poor sleep in 18 days or find places to train in Europe. I didn’t have time to figure this out before leaving the US so I packed a bag of work cloths and a bag of running gear and off I sent on a 7:30AM flight on Wednesday morning getting ready for night #5 of little to no sleep in a short period of time. The meetings in London were busy and I could not get out of my head that I had no idea what I was going to do the following week to train while still having to work full time. I had a few minutes on Thursday to send out emails to friends in Andorra, Chamonix, and Gemma in the Pyrenees. Finally after work on Friday, I was able to weed through everything and start looking at transportation options. It looked like flying to Barcelona and renting a car and driving and running through the Pyrenees would be cheapest and logistically the easiest. I left London Saturday afternoon and after trains, planes, and automobiles (order changed to reflect the order I travelled), I arrived in Figueres Spain at around 9:30PM. Having no clue where to run and what was next, I sat down for dinner and started searching for options. My plans were starting to come together. I would run west of Figures in Parc Natural de la Zona Volcanica de la Garrotxa on Sunday. On Monday, I would get up early and drive north and run a route that connects the village to Tapis to a ridging trail separating Spain and France. I didn’t know what was going to happen past that other than I had to be somewhere northwest where Gemma lived on Wednesday.



Inside the crater of Volca de Santa Margarida in Parc Natural de la Zona Volcanica de la Garrotxa.

Sunday’s run was brutal. I needed ~25 miles and I wasn’t able to find anything that long to put together so I found 3 separate loops of ~8 miles. The weather was hateful. It was 33C (mid 90s) and very humid (around 80%). By the end of the second run I was a complete wreck. I took about 1 hour rest and hydrated as much as possible, then went back out to suffer through another 8. It was not a fast day, but I got the miles in and it was good adversity training. It is hard to run fast when you don’t know where you are or where you are going so that has been continually frustrating.

Sunday Stats: 23.05m / 3433′ climbing / 4:43


I returned to Figueres starved and ordered a feast. It was actually an accident. I ordered Duck, Octopus, and Anchovies from the tapas menu. I assumed they would be small, but I cleaned my plates.


After saying up too late catching up with work and planning Monday, I once again didn’t get enough sleep (I had not had 8 hours of sleep in a single night since the prior Sunday). After breaky, I made the beautiful drive up the winding mountain roads to the village of Tapis and set out on a hard run that was steep and technical. This was going to be an out and back hopefully to Refuge de les Salines and back. As usual, I had troubles finding the route (even with the route on my Suunto Ambit), but enjoyed the long, technical climb followed by great ridge running. It was only 19C when I started, but it quickly warmed up and I was out of water 2 miles from the end and cooked.


Beautiful running along the ridge where I jumped between Spain and France.


Looking at the snowcapped French Pyrenees peaks

I started and ended the run at Restaurant i Pensio Can Mach and treated myself to a huge platter of roasted wild boar and another platter of french fries when I finished the run. Then it was back to Figueres by 1PM to settle into working the US daytime hours.

Monday Stats: 16m / 4570′ climbing / 4:16


Another meal of Octopus and Anchovies accompanied with a salad for dinner on Monday.


It was time to start heading west. I had talked to Gemma on Monday and found out she lived in a small village outside of Puigcerda. Looking at the map, I decided to stay about ½ way between Figueres and Puigcerda. I leave early on Tuesday morning and arrived at an 11th century farmhouse converted to hotel that I had found on booking.com. This place was great (and cheap). I worked the rest of the afternoon, then went for an out and back run on the GR-11 trail which traverses the Pyrenees from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean (this would be a great running trip to run this entire trail from 1 village or refuge to the next).


Great panoramic view from my run

Tuesday was an easy day: 8.25m / 1,900′ climbing / 1:33


I got up early again on Wednesday (with a little bit of a hangover thanks to a British couple staying at the hotel) and had a great run planned going east on GR-11. I was able to run from the hotel and it would be another out and back with lots of climbing. It was a wet morning, but as the sun started burning off the clouds, it was beautiful.


GR-11 Trail in the morning sun


After cooking on Sunday, I cut the sleeves off my shirt and was much more comfortable

I finished my run, then drove to Puigcerda to work from a cafe for the day until I would meet Gemma that evening. The drive to Puigcerda was amazing. A true mountain road with hundreds of switchbacks in the 40 km drive. I felt like I was in another world and loving every minute of it. After that drive, I vowed that at some point in my life, Emily and I will live in the Pyrenees for a period of time.

Gemma and I met around 6, then picked up groceries and off to her house where I would stay with her family for a few days. At the grocery store we immediately ran into Alfons Gason. Alfons raced the Powder Keg back when it was a World Cup event and knows several friends in Park City and Colorado. He immediately agreed to take us both on run on Thursday morning. He promised it would be great. We had a typical Spainish dinner that got over around 11pm and soon it was after 12 and we had to be up at 7.

Wednesday stats: 10m / 3,000′ climbing / 2:22


The route Alfons had planned would be a loop to the top of Masella ski resort and back by trails that are not normally taken. Alfons set a fast climbing pace and Gemma and I set in behind him to do the best we could to keep up.


Gemma, Alfons, and myself at the first Pass

Before reaching the top, the weather turned and we found ourselves in a snow storm. It was hard to believe that after getting cooked on Sunday and Monday, I was not freezing cold in the snow.


The approaching snow storm on awesome trails. Our destination is the peak in the background.


Awesome cross country running – this is Hardrock training!

I was working by noon and when I was done working at 8, Gemma and I met a couple people for a beer followed by another typical Spanish dinner at 10:30 PM. Dinner was amazing, Gemma’s grandma collects wild mushrooms from the mountains so we had sautéed mushrooms made into an omlette with salad, pasta, bread, and a type of wild celery that her mom collects from the mountains and is AMAZING. Before we knew it, it was 11:45 and we had to be up again at 7:15.

Thursday stats: 8.4m / 4,375′ climbing / 2:26


Morning came early. Both Gemma and I were tired. After breakfast and a couple cups of coffee, we were out the door to drive to the village of Martinet where Gemma used to teach. We had a great loop planned from Martinet to Biexec to Estana to Estana to Bastanist and back to Martinet. It would be about 12.5 miles with just over 3,000′ climbing. Gemma would do 1 loop with me, then I would do another one reverse while she did some work. The run was once again amazing with a climb to Estana, descent to Biexec, then another long climb out.


On the pass after Biexec


Gemma running down into Bastanist


Chad running down to Martinet

The run went great with only getting off track a few times. We were lucky to avoid any bad weather.

Friday Stats: 26.5m / 6,250′ climbing / 5:50


We were up at 5AM and on the road to Andorra to catch the Wasatch crew (I am including Ty as an extended Wasatch person) at the 130KM aid station at Ronda del Cims race. Ronda del Cims is probably the hardest 100m/170km race in the world. Due to snow and weather changes, the race turned into 179KM and 12,000M ascent (39,400′). It would be great to see Jared Campbell, Ben Lewis, Ty Draney, and Roch Horton as they conquered this race.


Ty, Jared, and Ben leaving Pas de les Casa

The 3 of them had been running together and were finding power in numbers on this tough course. We saw them at here, then again 8 miles later. They were looking better the second time having presumably gained some energy from the sun of the new day.

We went on our own run on a section of the course enjoying the, once again, epic views.


After our first run, Roch still had not come through so I decided to run back on the trail and catch up with him. I ran a ways past Portello Blanca and decided it was well past time to turn around and headed back to meet Gemma (I was very late at this point). The views were great, the course was super difficult, but it was fun to see. I was sorry to have missed Roch.


The descent into Pas de les Casa. They dug out the trail in the snow and roped it. There were many sections like this


The trail coming past Portello Blanca

2 Run combined stats: 11.24/ 3,470 / 3:11

Full Week Stats:

  • Miles Run: 103.45
  • Vertical Climbed: 26,993′
  • Total Training Time: 24:22

After an exhausting day (and week), took a short afternoon siesta in order to have some energy for going out on my last night in Spain. Gemma had arranged us to meet some friends (Mireia Miró – the super fast skimo racer, Arnau Anguera – one of the Spanish Skimo Team coaches, and Txiqui Solano a cycling friend). We had drinks, the typical 11PM dinner, then off to a pub for another drink after dinner. From my standpoint it was a late night – leaving the bar at 1PM, but for Spanish standards, it was an early night.

I can’t thank Gemma and her family enough for their amazing hospitality in letting me stay at their house and putting up with a crazy American who showed up and would run all morning, work all afternoon, and then get up and do it again the next day.

I fly back to London on Sunday noon and we start working Sunday evening to get ready for client meetings next week. It has been a great week of training while still being able to get my work done. I could not have asked for anything better for a Hardrock preparation week.

San Diego 100 08-09 Jun 2013 – Buckle #8 and 100 mile PR

I decided to run SD100 after hearing a number of my friends (Roch, Mindy, Mark, etc.) rave about their experiences. Neither Chad or I have flown to a 100 miler before but with the thoughts of a 100 mile race then a day at the beach was very enticing.

I spent the whole winter skiing and really not running. At the beginning of March my longest run in the calendar year was 9 miles. The 3rd week of March a business trip took me to San Diego and I decided to extend my trip a couple days to check out the course. Roch introduced me to Scotty Mills, the race director, and gave me some great recommendations for where to run during my time out there. I decided to run the “Sunrise Loop” which is a 29 mile loop the first day. That was pretty lofty considering my low mileage so I decided to take it very easy. I was armed with maps and turn by turn directions from Scotty. I had a great day on the course even though it was a very hot day and I did run out of water in the end. I then ran with Scotty’s crew on Saturday morning. They had a 34 mile run planned on the PCT and I tried to hang on for 11 miles and then decided to turn around and head back to my car. Scotty was kind enough to give me a ton of beta about the course and the race and I left armed to plan my training.

I trained for this race differently than any other 100 miler. I don’t consider myself a fast runner or even a runner for that matter sometimes. I also set a very aggressive goal for myself. I knew that if I ran an extremely smart race and didn’t have any part of my body fall apart at all I could maybe get a under 24 hour finish. It had never been a goal of mine to get under 24 hours because I never thought it would be possible. It became my mantra “SD100 under 24”. I also determined my training schedule had to include a ton of running rolling hills and flatter terrain. I will say this was hard for me to “make” myself run so much and not climb this hills that I so love to climb, but I had a goal and I had to get ready to run, run, run as much as I possibly could.

2013 San Diego 100

Great Ultra Runner Motto Posted at the Starting Line


San Diego 100 Elevation Profile

Chad and I flew to San Diego on Friday morning and after a couple grocery stops got up the Laguna Mountains. It was extremely hot. During the pre-race meeting Scotty emphasized how hot it was going to be and to be very smart about keeping cool, hydrated, salt consumption, etc. Chad and I talked about this and decided that I would run hard before it got hot, scale it back during the high heat, and then we would make up whatever we could when it cooled down and during the night (my pacer extraordinaire was pacing me from 51.3 to the finish).

178 runners lined up at the start. It was already very warm – close to 80 degrees – at 7am. The first 13.8 miles are on rolling trails with 2 aid stations (which Chad got me in and out of in record time). I averaged less than 10 minute miles which kind of scared me as I don’t run that fast but I was listening to my body and knew I had to push it early before it got too hot.


Suzanne and I at the start of the race


Approximately Mile 23

After mile 13.8, it started baking. From Penny Pines on it was full on heat mitigation. I had switched to my large bottles and picked up a hand bottle so I was carrying close to 80 oz of water. All my bottles were loaded with ice and different drinks. I ran where I could and hiked the rest as I needed to keep my body from overheating. I filled my bandana with ice cubes at every aid station so that they would melt down my front and back.

The loop from Pine Creek AS back to Pine Creek AS (miles 31.3 and 36) was tremendously hot (I heard about 105 degrees). Each time at the AS I loaded up on ice cold liquid, got sponged off with ice water, and filled my bandana again. Heading out of Pine Creek AS the second time we had an 8 mile climb. I started a strong hike out and kept reminding myself that this was my forte and pushed a really hard pace the whole way up – even running where it flattened out a bit. I came into mile 44.1 and quickly changed my shoes as Chad switched out my bottles making sure there was enough ice in them to last as long as possible.


Coming into AS at mile 51.3

The trail to 51.3 was rolling and I did my best to jog quite a bit of it even though I was quite hot and knew I still had to listen to my body. I came into 51.3 about 20 minutes behind schedule. I quickly changed my sport top and t-shirt, changed out bottles, grabbed food, and Chad and I headed out.


Still super hot out at 6:30PM – I hike up my skirt most of the day to try to stay cool by increasing airflow

This is the section that I ran when I came out to train in March so it was nice to be on familiar terrain. It was also then that the sun went over the mountains and I finally got some shade. It felt absolutely amazing. It did not cool me off completely right away (I don’t know if I ever cooled off fully all night) but it was a wonderful feeling. During this section I told Chad about my time on the trail previously. It helped me to remind myself that I’d done it before.


Beautiful Lake after Stonewall AS

]From the Stonewall AS, we had a steep climb up to Stonewall Peak. I again reminded myself of my climbing abilities and we cruised to the top then ran the backside to Paso Picacho AS (64.2). After that the trail was rolling up a hill then down to mile 72.3 AS. I was warned that this is an extremely cold part of the course but I did not need any layers at that point and was still requesting ice in my water bottles. It was a real indication of how hot the core of my body had gotten.

I was feeling good and continued to jog the rolling and power hike the uphill to Sunrise 2 (mile 80.3). Chad and I were in and out right away. Chad needed a bite to eat so I started out without him knowing he would be right behind me. I kept looking back for his light and it was a close to 30 minutes before he caught me. He was surprised at my speed and how long it took him to catch me. I was feeling pretty good during that time.

I just kept rolling through the night on the trails and through the AS’s. We kept doing the math and knew I was pretty well on track for under 24 hours, but based on the split times, it could be as close as 5 minutes. I was also managing my stomach at this time and if I pushed too hard it would start going south. I knew that I was going to be on my pace for finishing if I didn’t fall apart. That was the biggest goal during that time. The temperature was great. Chad pushed me to eat little bits of real food and sip on coke hoping that would help my stomach. I knew I couldn’t run out of gas if I was going to continue this pace and finish where I wanted. We got a little bit of a reprieve on the splits when the section from Pioneer 2 to Penny Pines 2 (miles 87.5 to 91.5) took 30 minutes less than my planed splits. Instead of easing back and cruising into the finish line, the goal was revised to 23:30!


Hurting a little (or maybe a lot) at mile 96, but ready for the last push to the finish line!

At mile 96 I wanted to get a little more food in me before I made a hard push to the finish line to finish in under 23:30. I was trying to swallow some food and all at once it all came up. I told myself this is not happening, dismissed it from my brain and ran the last 4 miles.   I was so happy to see the finish line. The numbers above were blurry (my eyes were full of dust and pollen from the trail) and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw 23:21 as I ran into the finish line. I was absolutely amazed at myself and abilities to finish a 100 mile trail run that fast.


Happy to be done and getting a hug from Angela, the co-RD I had run with in March

Chad got our down coats as I started shivering just minutes after crossing the finish line. The first time I was not hot in over 24 hours. We hung out at the finish for a couple hours then headed down to Alpine to have breakfast with David and Suzanne then headed to San Diego.


San Diego 100 Hardware

We were so tired we just napped and sat but the pool on Sunday afternoon (we had to stop on the drive to SD as Chad was so tired he couldn’t make it the 1 hour drive). Monday we enjoyed a nice day on the beach and Chad got in a little surfing. We had a great dinner on the ocean front watching a fabulous sunset. It was a wonderful end to a great race.


Famous San Diego Fish Tacos


Tourmaline Surf Area

I’ve always wanted to end a 100 sitting on the beach

photo 3-web.jpg

An amazing Monday night dinner with sunset views.

Thank you so much to Chad who supports me so much through training and racing.  He ran almost 50 miles with me just one week after a 50 mile race the previous weekend.  Thanks to Scotty, Mark, Mindy, and Roch for all of the course beta.  Thanks to all of my wonderful running partners.  Training wouldn’t be as fun without all of you.

Twin Peaks SW Face

Ever since moving to Salt Lake City in 2002 I have looked up at Twin Peaks and wanted to ski either the Southwest or Northwest faces. These faces are visible from almost everywhere in SLC.


Twin Peaks from Cottonwood Heights area

Many years ago (probably 2004) Emily and I hike up from Broad’s Fork and descended the Northwest Couloir and came out Deaf Smith Canyon. It was a great hike, but really just confirmed that the way to descend it was on skis. The challenge of this route is finding someone willing to bushwhack out of Deaf Smith Canyon. With great spring skiing conditions, Blake and I had talked about getting out on Saturday and skiing. We proposed Nebo, Timpanogos, and Twin Peaks. Since Blake had a similar feeling as I did that after looking at that peak every day, we really should ski it, our decision on which of the 3 to ski was easy. Another advantage of skiing Twin was that we could have a decent starting time of 7AM (instead of 5AM or earlier for the other 2 peaks)

We were hiking put he Broads Fork Trail with skis and boots on our back by 7 and reached snow (mostly) after the bridge. We switched to skis and continued up.


Blake on the skin track (we maybe switched to skis a little early)

When we got into Broad’s Fork, we could see 2 people at the top of Bonkers, but decided to take the summer route up the south ridge. I incorrectly thought this would be easier and faster since it is in the summer. It took us at least 30 minutes longer (if not an hour) to go this route. We had great skiing conditions with having to cross the occasional wet slide path. We reached the saddle and and had a nice food break before switch to crampons for the rest of the climb up the ridge. The ridge was more technical than we had anticipated and we had to drop down off the ridge to avoid a technical section of 5th class rock in ski boots and crampons.


Blake on the south ridge of Twin Peaks


Blake on the south ridge of Twin Peaks


Blake on the East Summit


Chad on the East Summit


Blake on the west summit


Chad on the west summit

Our plan was to be on the summit by 11AM since we knew that either the SW or NW faces would not soften up before then. Our timing was perfect and we hit the East Summit at 10:57. The NW face was still frozen solid. We made our way to the West Summit and the SW face was still hard as well. We decided to sit and wait for the snow to soften so we hung out at the summit until noon and figured it was time to go before it got too warm down low.


View of our descent, the thick Deaf Smith Canyon, and SLC 6,100′ below.

The top ~200′ was still frozen, but we quick hit great corn and we were able to ski 3,500′ of great corn followed by another 600′ of picking our way through trees and dirt to the end of the snow.


Blake skiing great corn

We reached the end of the snow, switched back to running shoes, shouldered our once again heavy packs (with skis, boots, etc) and started into the unknown. Last time I had gone down Deaf Smith, it was a complete bushwhack and we spend most of the time just walking down the middle of the creek. We were pleasantly surprised that there was a descent trail for most of the descent. We still had to cross the creek at least 15 times and had a couple of fun rock traverses, but we were able to make descent time down.


The fun of getting out Deaf Smith Canyon


More Deaf Smith Canyon fun

We reached the car by 2:20 where cold PBR was waiting for us after great day at a relaxing pace.

I love my Scarpa Alien boots, but the boa hurts the top of my foot extremely bad. This was a trial day using the Dynafit TLT liners (which are a little bit thicker) in the Alien shells and I was very happy with how the padding helped ease the pain. This may be the standard combo for me for everything other than racing.


  • Scarpa Alien 1.0 boots
  • Ski Trab Free Rando Lite Skis
  • Dynafit Low Tech Light bindings
  • BD Whipet
  • BD Raven Ultra Ax
  • Grivel Race Crampons
  • BD Mohair Skins
  • Dynafit pants and jacket
  • BD Tracer Helmet
  • Montrail Mountain Massochist shoes

Ode to My Quiver

Spring seems like an odd time to write a blog about a ski quiver, but it is also the time when I really start to use a variety of skis. This time of year can be deep powder, corn, ice, or long days on light gear so I seem to use a bigger variety of skis in the spring than in the winter where most every day is a powder day.

When I moved to Utah in 2002, I quickly became a tele skier. From 2002 until spring of 2010, I only owned tele gear. Over the last 2 seasons, my focus has been fast and light AT gear. As Evan said a couple weeks ago, I have sort of become a weight weenie in my quest to do longer days with increased enjoyment (or maybe less tiredness).


Ski Quiver in Our Gear Room (I usually store them with skins attached to ensure we either don’t forget skins or grab the wrong ones)


Tools of the Trade: (left to right): Atomic Tacora, Rossignal T4, Voile Insane, Voile Drifter, Voile Charger, Voile Vector, Ski Trab Free Rando Lite, Hagan X-Race

Hagan X-Race: Starting from the lightest. I purchased the Hagan X-Race ski in February 2012 for skimo racing. This ski with the Ski Trab TR binding is 883 g/ski. For a short, skinny, and light ski, this skis very well. I have spent more time touring on this ski than I ever imagined including deep powder days. This ski has seen lots of skimo racing, big days in the Wasatch and Uinta Mountains, and lots of vert in Europe this winter over the World Skimo Championships. The downfall of many race skis is that they are fragile. On my first race I compressed and edge which Eric Bunch was able to meticulously fix. I have also exposed the wood core in several places and have had to reseal it with epoxy.


Hagan X-Race – 883g

Ski Trab Free Rando Lite: I purchased the Ski Trab Free Rando Lite skis in December 2011 as in intro ski for skimo racing. At 1439 g/ski it quickly became apparent that this ski was too heavy to race on. I now use this ski for long days that I want t solid ski for good skiing, spring corn, hard pack, and other conditions. This ski breaks trail and skis all snow conditions great. The only downfall of this ski is that at 79mm under foot and no rocker or early rise, if you are skiing deep powder, I find myself having to get in the backseat to keep the ski tips up.


Ski Trab Free Rando Lite – 1439g

Voile Vector: The newest addition to my quiver that I am extremely excited about is the Voile Vector. I have wanted to get out on this ski for 2 years as for a while, it was the only Voile ski I wasn’t skiing on and I felt it was a great all around ski balancing great dimensions (96mm under foot) and tip rocker with light weight. Locally made in Salt Lake City, Voile skis have been my ski of choice for 7+ years. I put a Plum 165 binding on this ski to make it a very light (1765g/ski) everyday touring ski. With 3 seasons on my Charger’s and only a little life left, these are going to be my go-to skis for touring and powder skiing.


The newest family member, the Voile Vector – 1765g

Voile Charger: My last pair of AT skis is a Voile Charger. I have skied this ski for 3 seasons and absolutely love it. It rips big lines, skis deep powder, tours well, and handles the resort decently. These have had a lot of hard use and have little edge left. For the 2013-2014 season, I think these will become rock skis.

What’s left for my ski quiver? I am excited to get a pair of Voile WSP (Wasatch Speed Project) race skis. At only a few grams heavier than my X-Races, but with an early rise tip, these will ski and race much better than the X-Race. They are also built a little stronger so hopefully will get less edge damage. I also am excited to get pair of these because the WSP name was the name I suggested


Voile WSP

I still have 4 pair of tele skis as well. I did not get out on tele gear much this winter mostly due to some knee pain left over from running last summer. I did get a half dozen days in.

Atomic Tacora: I purchased these on a blow-out sale from Sierra Trading Post probably 6 or 7 years ago. I have only skied them 12-15 times, but they are a great resort tele ski for non-powder days. With the very active Hammer Head binding with the super stiff spring, you can absolutely rail these skis. These ski fast and fun!

Rossignal T4: This ski is a relic. I purchased it around 2004 and have skied it hard for many seasons. It has been rock ski for 5 or 6 years. The ski is completely noodled and the bases are shot. There is really no reason for this ski to still be in my quiver as it hasn’t seen snow for 2 seasons and probably won’t. I tried to feel the O1 binding from this ski last season as a way to retire it and will need to try it again next year. In the meantime, it brings back happy memories each time I look at it sitting lonely in my quiver.

Voile Insane: This was my first Voile ski. Originally mounted with a G3 Targa T9, then drastically upgraded to the Voile Switchback, and finally upgraded to the Voile Switchback X2. This is a great all mountain tele ski and when I do tele, this is typically what I will ski on. The X2 is a super active binding that is a lot of fun. This ski tours well and skis the resort well.

Voile Drifter: This is the second pair of drifters I have had. I had a prototype pair during the early Voile testing, then this production model. I call the Drifter the Giggle Sticks. On deep powder days, it doesn’t get any more fun than skiing this ski. I am torn whether to keep this as a fun powder tele ski or mount AT bindings on it. I think the Free Rando Lite, Vector, and Drifter could make the ultimate 3-ski AT quiver.

Here is a comparison of length and weights of the skis in my quiver

Ski Weights
Ski Length Binding Weight/Ski (g) Weight/Ski (lbs)
Hagan X-Race 160 Ski Trab TR Race 883 1.95
Ski Trab Free Rando lite 171 Dynafit Low Tech Lite 1439 3.17
Voile Vector 180 Plum 165 1765 3.89
Voile Charger 181 Dynafit TLT 2608 5.75
Atomic Tacora 181 Hammer Head 2608 5.75
Rossignal T4 185 Black Diamond O1 3062 6.75
Voile Insane 183 Voile Switchback X2 2750 6.06
Voile Drifter 182 Voile Switchback 2750 6.06

No ski quiver is complete without a good boot selection.


Boot selection to go withmy ski quiver (left to right): Scarpa Alien 1.0, Dynafit TLT5 Performance, Scarpa Spirit, Scarpa T1, Scarpa T3

When I started AT skiing, I purchased a pair of Scarpa Spirit boots. These boots fit great and ski great. When I started getting more serious about racing I knew I needed to get off the T3 boots and light tele race setup. In December 2011, I bought a pair of Dynafit TLT Performance boots. At 1226g, I thought these were the greatest things ever. They quickly became the only boots I toured in due to the light weight and amazing walk mode. I have only used the removable tongue’s a couple of times and have no problem driving the Voile Charger in steep or deep terrain without the tongue. There are 2 downfalls of this boot:

1) The overstep buckle bends easily and after 2 months the buckle was pretty much trashed. I have since drilled out the rivet holding the bucked, drilled the hole in the shell larger, and screwed it on with a Scarpa T screw. The larger screw head has kept the buckle from bending as much, but it is still sprung and doesn’t stay buckled very well.

2) The boots are very cold. This year I broke down and bought a pair of Boot Gloves. They make you look like a ‘gaper’ when touring, but at least I quit frost biting my toes on moderate temperature tours.

My go-to everyday touring boot – Dynafit TLT5 Performance – 1226g

In December of 2012, feeling like I needed to buy something, I splurged for a pair of Scarpa Alien 1.0 boots. At 830g and what seems like twice the flex as the TLT5, these boots made an amazing difference racing. I have used these boots with all of my AT skis and have been very happy with how the are able to drive the Voile Charger. Overall, I find the Alien 1.0 an amazing boot that has really revolutionized the ability to walk, run, tour, and ski in the boot. The boot is lighter and has more flex than my old all leather Montrail hiking boots! Like all boots, these have a couple of downfalls

1) The 1.0 does not come with the gaiter that the regular Alien comes with. This means that after a day of skiing powder, you have packed the boot pretty full of snow and turned it into an ice shell around the liner. Believe it or not, even with the ice shell, this boot is warmer than the TLT5.

2) The boot kills my feet. The Boa tightener should be flatter instead of angling down (see photo). With the able of the Boa, the hard plastic digs into the bone on the top of my feet. I have high arches and boney feet, so this bone is quite prominent on my foot and even hurts in some running shoes.


Scarpa Alien 1.0 – 830g

As mentioned, the Scarpa T3 was only used for skimo races when I was on tele gear. I paid next to nothing for this boot and have never used it for anything other than racing. With true race gear now, this boot won’t see snow again (at least by me). That leave me with only the Scarpa T1 boots. These were my second tele boots (after breaking a pair of Garmont boots in half at the bellows). My T1 boots are definitely a performance fit being anywhere from 1-1.5 sizes smaller than most of my other boots. With the added Booster Strap, these boots will drive any ski in any terrain. They have 6 years on them and have holes worn in the bellows. For the small amount I tele ski now, I am hoping to get a few more years out of them.

The weight comparison of the boots is interesting as well with a close to 3x factor between the Alien’s and Spirits.

Boot Weights
Boot Size Weight (g) Weight (lbs)
Scarpa Alien 1.0 28 830 1.83
Dynafit TLT Performance 27.5 1226 2.70
Scarpa Spirit 27.5 1926 4.25
Scarpa T1 with Booster Strap 26.5 1897 4.18
Scarpa T3 27 1379 3.04

Out of curiosity, I wanted to see what some of the combined weights were of the ski/boot combos that I commonly ski is. It is quite amazing to see the variation of 1700g to 4600g.

Combos I Ski
Ski Boot Total Weight (g) Total Weight (lbs)
Hagan X-Race Scarpa Alien 1.0 1713 3.78
Hagan X-Race Dynafit TLT Performance 2109 4.65
Ski Trab Free Rando lite Scarpa Alien 1.0 2269 5.00
Ski Trab Free Rando lite Dynafit TLT Performance 2665 5.88
Voile Vector Scarpa Alien 1.0 2595 5.72
Voile Vector Dynafit TLT Performance 2991 6.59
Voile Charger Dynafit TLT Performance 3834 8.45
Voile Charger Scarpa Spirit 4534 10.00
Atomic Tacora Scarpa T1 4505 9.93
Voile Insane Scarpa T1 4647 10.24
Voile Drifter Scarpa T1 4647 10.24

It’s a Wrap – 2013 Powder Keg

Reposted from my 2013 Wasatch Powder Keg Synopsis

Wow, what a week. Over the summer, we decided that it would be great to try to put together a 3 day race weekend that could be a destination race for people. For out-of-towners, it can be hard to justify a 6+ hour road trip for a single race, but with 3 races, that might be easier to justify.  We ran the idea past Brighton and they were on board.  We then started reaching out to the local skimo community to round up help in making this event a reality.  Eight months later, here we are with the races a couple of days behind us and (at least for us) still trying to recover from minimal sleep during race week.

Race preparations start in July, they hit the first peak in the fall with sponsorship, then quiet down to a manageable state until January.  From OR Show on, things are in full swing, but nothing compares to the how busy race week is.  This year was especially busy with course re-routes for Saturday and course finalization for Sunday.  We had 10-12 volunteers on the course starting on Wednesday to set the flags and skin tracks and make sure all conditions were safe.  With all the help we had, course setting went very smoothly and we had everything in place and the Friday Sprint course setup about 1 hour before the start.

Digging out the transition platform for Sunday's Team Race
Digging out the transition platform for Sunday’s Team Race


We had a trial sprint-relay in 2012 and people enjoyed it, so this year we decided that the sprint could fill Friday afternoon.  We had 34 racers for the sprint.  We held time trail qualification round followed by a final snow-cross style round.  It was a lot of fun to watch the racers complete the 300′ climb (with a booter) and descend the gates in under 3.5 minutes.

Sprint Podium


  1. Jason Dorais – 0:03:21
  2. John Gaston – 0:03:24
  3. Luke Nelson – 0:03:29


  1. Gemma Arro i Ribot – 0:04:29
  2. Marta Riba – 0:04:36
  3. Meredith Edwards – 0:05:08

Gerard Garreta of Catalunya Finishing the Sprint Race

Gerard Garreta of Catalunya Finishing the Sprint Race

The Sprint race was followed by the traditional pre-race briefing ensuring everyone was aware of the course, course dangers, weather, and avalanche conditions.  We have been organizing the race for 5 years and this was the first year with bad weather.  We knew we would need to be out on course at 4:30AM breaking the trail for the racers, but we weren’t sure what the winds would do overnight and what our actual avalanche danger would be.  Andy Paradis and I were out early flagging the first climb and breaking a trail (which would only get blown in before the race started).  The winds were strong, gusting to over 40mph on the ridge tops.  We were constantly talking to Max (head of Brighton Snow Safety) as they did their morning control routes.  Andy and I had ski cut and cleaned out Brown Spot into Hidden Canyon and knew it was safe.  At 7:20 with 10 minutes before the race start, we were still 20 minutes from the top of Great Western breaking the trail out of Hidden Canyon we made the decision to push the race start back 30 minutes.  The Brighton Patrol had held the volunteers at the top of Great Western until they finished their Snake Creek routes.  Andy and I still needed to clear the Preston Peak and Snake Creek Canyon areas before we could get volunteers into those areas.  We pushed to the top and headed over to those areas.  A traverse from the Snake Creek Express lift to Preston Peak confirmed that area safe.  A quick powdery descent into Snake Creek Canyon also confirmed that area.  Our volunteers were ready to go.  The volunteers had a tough morning with the cold and blustery conditions.

Powder Keg Start
Powder Keg Start


The race went smoothly with Luke Nelson going hard and breaking trail 2,000′ to Clayton Peak to win King of the Mountain.  Gemma Arro i Ribot took the Queen of the Mountain title for the women for the second year in a row.  The skiing for this year’s race was good with 4-6″ of new snow.  We were expecting finish times of under 2 hours, but with the new snow it was a bit longer.

Powder Keg Podium

Men’s Race

  1. Max Taam – 2:14:03
  2. John Gaston – 2:14:27
  3. Tom Goth – 2:14:50

Women’s Race

  1. Gemma Arro i Ribot – 2:30:48
  2. Marta Riba – 2:42:29
  3. Meredith Edwards – 3:00:49

Men’s Heavy Metal

  1. Eric Dacus – 2:53:43
  2. Erik Syrstad – 2:57:23
  3. Spencer Peterson – 2:57:25

Women’s Heavy Metal

  1. Katie Ronsse Libby – 3:19:04
  2. Emily Sullivan – 3:20:35
  3. Sarah Cookler – 3:21:28

Men’s Recreation

  1. Fabien Beaufils – 1:39:27
  2. Andrew Schmidt – 1:40:50
  3. Brandon Ott – 2:00:55

Women’s Recreation

  1. Emily Urlacher-Kirkham – 2:39:09
  2. Jean Marie Wheeler – 2:41:20
  3. Deborah Wagner – 2:56:34

Luke Nelson was generous enough to hold skimo clinics after the awards ceremony and raffle where he focused on transitions, skinning, and other skimo techniques.  The clinics were well received by the dozen or so participants.

On Sunday 38 people competed in the first ever Technical Teams Race.  The weather was great with sun peaking over Mt. Millicent soon after the race start.  We spent a lot of time putting together a long, technically difficult course for this race and based on racer feedback, we succeeded.  The key aspect of this race was the roped section up the Elevator requiring the use of harness, via ferrata, and an ascender.  This was followed by a 50 meter rope down climb using the via ferrata kit for safety.  The Sunday course measured around 8,800′ of ascent and 14 miles!  From the feedback we had, people loved the course so we hope to have it back again next year.

On the rope in the Elevator
On the rope in the Elevator

It was great to watch this race unfold with Max and John fighting hard to keep ahead of Luke and Tom.  The 4 were within 30 seconds the entire day.

Max & John fighting to keep ahead of Luke & Tom at the base of Clayton Peak booter
Max & John fighting to keep ahead of Luke & Tom at the base of Clayton Peak booter

Men’s Technical Teams

  1.  Max Taam / John Gaston – 3:37:13
  2. Luke Nelson / Tom Goth – 3:38:44
  3. Byran Wickenhauser / John Brown – 3:53:58

Women’s Technical Teams

  1. Gemma Arro i Ribot / Marta Riba – 4:38:11

Co-Ed Technical Team

  1. Emily Sullivan / Brent Mitchell – 5:47:06

It was amazing that after 3 days of racing with over 15,000′ ascent and more than 20 miles, the top 3 overall men were only separated by 2.5 minutes.

Triple Crown

Men’s Overall

  1. Max Taam – 5:54:47
  2. John Gaston – 5:55:03
  3. Tom Goth – 5:57:10

Women’s Overall

  1. Gemma Arro i Ribot – 7:13:29
  2. Marta Riba – 7:25:14
  3. Emily Sullivan – 9:14:05

It was an great accomplishment for those to complete all 3 days of racing so a big congratulations for those who completed the entire triple crown.

First Last Sprint PowderKeg Tech Team Total Time Place
Max Taam 00:03:31 2:14:03 3:37:13 5:54:47 1
John Gaston 00:03:23 2:14:27 3:37:13 5:55:03 2
Tom Goth 00:03:36 2:14:50 3:38:44 5:57:10 3
Luke Nelson 00:03:29 2:18:57 3:38:44 6:01:10 4
Bryan Wickenhauser 00:03:47 2:18:13 3:53:58 6:15:58 5
Jon Brown 00:03:50 2:23:34 3:53:58 6:21:22 6
Gerard Garreta 00:03:43 2:22:25 4:03:30 6:29:38 7
Teague Holmes 00:04:24 2:25:42 4:03:30 6:33:36 8
Eric Bunce 00:04:05 2:28:43 4:10:44 6:43:32 9
John Curry 00:03:56 2:33:41 4:09:26 6:47:03 10
Nicholas Francis 00:04:40 2:37:45 4:10:44 6:53:09 11
Robert Woerne 00:04:25 2:40:45 4:28:13 7:13:23 12
Gemma Arro I Ribot 00:04:30 2:30:48 4:38:11 7:13:29 13
Marta Riba 00:04:34 2:42:29 4:38:11 7:25:14 14
Spencer Peterson 00:03:58 2:57:25 5:44:49 8:46:12 15
Stu Johnson 00:04:41 3:11:07 5:32:15 8:48:03 16
Emily Sullivan 00:06:24 3:20:35 5:47:06 9:14:05 17

We couldn’t have accomplished this great event without all of our volunteers.  We had 13 volunteers on Friday, 41 volunteers on Saturday, and 30 volunteers on Sunday.  We had several volunteers donate 3 and 4 days of their time and we can’t thank them enough for this dedication.

Overall Men's Triple Crown Podium (3rd: Tom, 2nd: John, 1st: Max)
Overall Men’s Triple Crown Podium (3rd: Tom, 2nd: John, 1st: Max)

 For full results, see our results page.  We will also be posting photo albums as we get photos.